Thursday 7 July 2011

heya all :) i brought garnier fructis style bamboo flexi hold hairspray when i ran out because it was on offer! it looked good so i thought why not, i go though alot because i have to way my hair up for work.

so did i like it? sadly no, it barely holds your hair for 1 hour before it starts showing signs of frizzyness and messyness.

it smelt fine but is slightly sticky and crusty on your hair.

i really didnt like this product and so wouldnt buy it again.

Friday 1 July 2011

garnier fructis style bamboo flexihold hairspray.

i brought this hairspray because i use hairspray everytime i go to work! and i use alot, i have to have my hair in a ponytail for work and my hair isnt easy to put up and stay there so hairspray helps alot!.

well did i like it? im sorry to say no, it smells fine but doesnt stay for very long at all!

im not very happy with it at all and wouldnt buy it again :(.

Thursday 30 June 2011

blogs with pictures soon! i hope!

hi :) im so sorry for lack of posts, im having fun like everyone alse at the moment to try and upload pictures on blogger. i hope this problem is sorted soon :) and ill start posting proper posts!

Saturday 25 June 2011

7 things about me

just a random little post :)

1. i have lived in the same house,in the same village all my life, my parents moved in when my mum was 1 month gone with me, i love this house :)

2.i have a wobbley toe, i broke my 3rd toe on my right foot in 2009, and put the bones out of place so i have to bumps and it makes my toe look wobbley!

3. i have had so many social networking site acounts you wouldnt belive! bebo,habbo,myspace,meez,facebook,twitter,the list goes on and on!

4.i love kids cartoons flims, i am writing this post watching sharks tale!

5.i have been a veggie for 6 years.

6.i adore cats, i guess its in my name ;). a natural redhead, tough have died my hair black for 3 years, im the only redhead in my family!

feel free to do this :)

Thursday 16 June 2011

one BIG elf haul!

bad elf! stop having good deals! your making me spend ;)

anyway, on wednesday elf an a amazing deal! if you spent £40.00 or over you got 10 free mineral eyeshadows! being an eyeshadow freak, i was not going to pass this up sooo-

right from the left on the first photo!
elf mineral booster in shimmer.
elf mineral blush in joy.
elf mineral booster in sheer.
elf mineral glow in shimmer.

next picture-
elf studio eye transformer.
elf studio eyeshadow in sand doller.
elf studio shimmer palette.

next picture-
elf studio conditioning lip balm spf 15 in nice and natural.
elf hypershine lipgloss in mauve.
elf hypershine lipgloss in cloudnine.

next picture-
elf mineral eyeshadow in enchanting.
elf mineral eyeshadow in sassy.
elf mineral eyeshadow in sweet.
elf mineral eyeshadow in innocent.
elf mineral eyeshadow in temptress.

next picture-
elf mineral eyeshadow in girly.
elf mineral eyeshadow in royal.
elf mineral eyeshadow in glamorous.
elf mineral eyeshadow in seductive.
elf mineral eyeshadow in mysterious.

last two pictures are the elf beauty encyclopedia in basic eyes closed then open.

sorry for the bad pictures and long post!

Sunday 29 May 2011

the A to Z of me...

ive seen this doing the rounds on the blogs,and because i have no batterys for my camera because my parents have gone on hoilday and taken the one and only battery charger :(, its a good one because no pictures needed!

-Age: 18.


-Chores you hate:washing up! i hate it soo much :(

-Dogs: really sweet :)

-Essential start of your day: breakfast! i have to eat!

-Favourite colour: black and/or purple.

-Gold or sliver: sliver.

-Height: 5 feet 11'' im a BFG! (big friendly gaint)

-Instruments i play: none, im pretty much useless!

-Job title: part time nursery assistant.

-Kids: none.

-Live: south of england.

-Mums name: dawn, because she was born at the break of dawn! awh.

-Nickname(s): cat,kitty, apricot.

-Pet peeve: rudeness, bullying,people judging others on the way they look.

-Quote from a movie:'Hatter: 'Am I mad?' Alice: 'Yes. Completely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; All the best people are' - Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland

-Right or left handed:lefty.

-Siblings: younger brother.

-Time you get up: changes alot, depends if im working or how im sleeping etc, anywhen between 5:30-9.00

-Underwear: yep underwear?

-Vegetables you dislike: i would be hear forever if i listed them all.

-What makes you run late: faffing and panicky over my hair and makeup, and other people not getting it together!

-X-rays you have had done: teeth.

-yummy food you make: cakes! i love baking, and other people say that they are yummy :) and brownies :).

-zoo animal- umm zebras! and lions and tigers and pegiuns and i will be hear forever!


Wednesday 25 May 2011

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt me.

im sure many of you remember the saying ''sticks and stones may break my bones,but words can never hurt me''.

ive done blog posts and guest blog posts on the fact that i was bullied before, but this time im not talking about school.

before i lost the weight i was shouted at in the street, smoke blown in my face and pointed at. but because they never hurt me or laid a finger on me it couldnt be hurting me could it?

of course it could, and it did.
it still does, i dress in a ''gothic'' style if you want to label it, and because of this i get ''emo twat'' shouted at me, not as much as i got shouted at when i was bigger though, o no!

i cant list all of them but some of the ''tamer'' ones were

''fatty fatty boom boom''
''walking blob''
''you off to the bakery?''
''is tescos sold out now?''

and it went on, they were the ones i am willing to type!.

i also got a death threat once, yep a death threat, because i was bigger.
and wear glasses.
and at that point had ginger hair.

my point is if ''words can never hurt me'' how come these words did? because unless your super-human or a robot words get to you.

some people can rise above some words, and thats great, but the thing is we shouldnt need too rise above words being shouted at us, we are all human. so stop shouting at me in the street, you dont know me.

and if you act like that, you wont know me.