Wednesday 25 May 2011

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt me.

im sure many of you remember the saying ''sticks and stones may break my bones,but words can never hurt me''.

ive done blog posts and guest blog posts on the fact that i was bullied before, but this time im not talking about school.

before i lost the weight i was shouted at in the street, smoke blown in my face and pointed at. but because they never hurt me or laid a finger on me it couldnt be hurting me could it?

of course it could, and it did.
it still does, i dress in a ''gothic'' style if you want to label it, and because of this i get ''emo twat'' shouted at me, not as much as i got shouted at when i was bigger though, o no!

i cant list all of them but some of the ''tamer'' ones were

''fatty fatty boom boom''
''walking blob''
''you off to the bakery?''
''is tescos sold out now?''

and it went on, they were the ones i am willing to type!.

i also got a death threat once, yep a death threat, because i was bigger.
and wear glasses.
and at that point had ginger hair.

my point is if ''words can never hurt me'' how come these words did? because unless your super-human or a robot words get to you.

some people can rise above some words, and thats great, but the thing is we shouldnt need too rise above words being shouted at us, we are all human. so stop shouting at me in the street, you dont know me.

and if you act like that, you wont know me.

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