Monday 10 January 2011

my weight loss so far and tips

hi :), as some of you know ive been losing weight for 11 months, but for those who dont know let me fill you in.(warning, this is a long post).

im 18, and have always been tubby but from the age of 10-11 as i learnt how to get food for myself i put on the weight quickly, at the age of 11 i was a size 16. has my problems started (witch i do have a post on) i ate because of feelings. if i was happy i ate,sad i ate,upset,ate.
by the time we went into 2010 i was 24 stone a size 30/32 and 17 years old.
i hated myself, then the 28th feb 2010 i started trying to lose weight, counting calories, i didnt belive i could do it.

ok so now your caught up,i but i carried on, i was on 1500 calories a day (500 a meal)for a week and then i went down to 1200, i did that because of how heavy i was, for a overweight person going down too 1500 calories works fine.

in 4 months i lost 3 stone, and then in 5 months i lost 5 stone! 2 stone in a about 6 weeks, i have no idea how i did that! then in oct it was 6 and half stone and in dec its 7 and half stone.

i still have a way to go it has not been easy! dont go flying into it without thinking it though.

there is downsides such as lose skin and getting very cold. but its worth it!

my tips for anyone wanting to do the same is-
try 1500 calories first, if it doesnt work then go down to 1200.
count every calorie in anything, it all adds up.
if you have a bad day, dont worry everyone does, just be good the next day.
christmas,birthdays etc let yourself have christmas dinner, birthday cake its only 1 day!

:) if you have any questions or want to do it your self send me a email on or leave a comment.



  1. wow well done you!that's amazing!
    i found calorie counting is the best way for me to lose weight too, i lost around 3 stone but i have been stuck at the same weight for a year now so need to get motivated again!

  2. @sarah@blusherobsession

    thankyou hun!
    wow well done!
    think about it this way, at least your havn't put it back on, you may have found your happy weight!

    but yeah i know the feeling!

