Saturday 8 January 2011

reveiw-elf mineral infused face primer


ok so not the best but with still no sign of my camera or lead, i used my dads (thankyou!)

anyway, as well anyone know i love elf so when this came out early last year (really last year already?!) i iknew i really wanted to try it.

im a bit late on this reveiw,this is my 3rd 4th bottle of this stuff, because my 3rd went walkies, like everything i own.

the primer is a clear gel (witch is why there is no swatches) with a almost slippery feel.

it goes on really really smoothly and does help with keeping foundation on, but not all day. maybe a few more hours than without primer.

for the price i think its a great primer, i cant live without it, i mix it with a green primer from no7.

this primer is from and is £6.00

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