Saturday 3 July 2010

body image ramble

hii :) this isnt really to do with makeup but with beauty and self image really! i got the body shops love your body discount card about a month ago, and a few moments ago i was editing my the body shop haul bottom bar on youtube, when as i typed love your body i thought ''does anyone love their body'', so i thought i would do a super rambley post on it. love your body? well frist off im gonna come out and say no i dont not one bit. if i have to list the worst bits it would be like this: belly hips tighs tops of arms yet when i was 11-12 i thought my legs were amazing!, ive always hated my belly though i cant remember far enough back to a time when i didnt! now for around 10 years (remember im 18 in a month!) i havent helped my body image,as everyone knows im big, actally im not big im fat and i dont mind saying that as much as i used too. i thinks its because 4-5 months ago i had enough, im 18 in 6 weeks, yet im so big i i can only shop in evans and online. so i changed the way i eat and in 4 months ive lost 3 stone! though i know when ive lost all the weight i will be faced with 2 new challages: 1.keeping it off. yep i will have the problem of skin left over to pulled to fit my new shape. but i will deal with it when i come to it. though i think losing weight will change my life, no questions asked, i will always have a low body image, its the way i am! but anyway what do you think of your body image? are you happy with the way your body is? or not? or do you try not to think about it! bye x


  1. Firstly congratulations on such a fabulous weight loss!! I lost a stone had trouble shifting more, gave up and am now back trying to loose weight again (Its so hard to stick to).
    I think nearly all women in the world have parts of their body they hate (for me its my belly and arms), partly due to trying to live up to unrealistic ideals. I believe the important thing is to be healthy and if you loose a little weight in the process fantastic.

    I try not to focus on weight and shape too much. I mostly try to find good fitting clothes and try to loose weight by exercising and eating healthy (so far I've lost 3lb in a month). Its important to loose weight slowly by changing eating habits that way you keep it off.

    I think the best thing to do is enjoy the life you have and try to be healthy.

  2. @eyelining thankies :) yes! my best friends body shape is very skinny, and she gets the anorexic comments too, i think some people judge by body shape to much, magazines being one of the worst! x

    @fumsmusings thankies :) o wow! well done :) it is, its one of those things that is always on a to do list!

    yes, i think alot of people (me aswell) think to much about their body, looks etc when they dont need too!

    well done! sometimes being heathly is the only change you really need!

