hii :) today i have this FOTD for you!
i just started messing around and this is what i came up with, i really like it and I'm actually rather proud of it :).
I'm trying to remember what i used, but don't kill me if i get something wrong!
elf eye primer on both lids and under my eyes too.
maybelline eyeliner-matic in intense black to draw out mask outlines.
nyx black/grey/white trio using the black to soften the outline.
mixture of slivers and greys in shade in the mask,i used loads so just find what works for you!
nyx jumbo eyeshadow pencil in black bean over my eyelids as a base and under my eyes too.
the same eyeshadows used for the mask on my eyelids (the other eye was just on the lid,no mask)
maybelline eyeliner-matic in intence black used as a lipliner and lipstick.
miss sporty hollywood lipgloss in rock chick (black) on top.
sliver eyeshadow pressed into gloss.
and done!
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