a blog for beauty,for weight loss,for me :)
start off with the basics...
collection 2000 shimmer&shade-
colour choice?-comes in 3 colours-just peachy!,pink me up!, golden and gorgeous.
how much?-£3.99 ( woohoo!).
how much product do i get?-i dont no it wont tell me :(.
collection 2000 shimmer & shades are highlighting/blushercompacts with a light main colour in the whole compact,a medim colour in the larger flower, and a darker colour in the little flower.
i dont know if the medim & darker colour flowers go down right to bottom, because these things are so big i havnt gotten to the bottom yet!.
i have 2 one in just peachy! and one in pink me up!, gold colours arent really me so i dont think ill get the last one, my fave is just peachy! (one pictured).
ok so do i like it or not? hell yes! i adore these things!, they have shimmer and pigment witch i find is rare, though the shimmer might be to much for some people,i like it.
the powder isnt gritty by the way :).
sooooo thats it really, for the price i think they are bloody brill!
thats it for now see you soon!
so just eyes for this one!
eyes-elf mineral eyeshadow primer.
w7 dome eyeshadow in bamboo.
bright yellow from 120 pro paltte used wet.
bright yellow next to it used dry over the top.
prestige liquid liner in black.
rimmel sexy curves mascara
maybelline eyeliner matic in intence black!
and thats it! i love this look, i wouldnt wear it out, i like really dark looks, but this is lovely!
byee for noww
:) first off sorry for the rubbish picture! i really cant take picture very well at the moment!
so this is miss sportys hollywood lipgloss in my A list, its a pale pink with peachyness to it!. this lipgloss is so shimmery and glittery!, to some people it may be a bad thing,but personaly i love it! you cant tell in the picture but ive already used 1/4 of it!, its non sticky, and very smooth but it does seem to smear everywere if your not careful. one of the things i love about this product is the price! its £2.99! it doesnt have a amount on it or on the website though. its wand is a doefoot, witch to be honest im not a big fan of,but its not as bad as some doefoots ive tried!.
all in all i really like this product and im going to buy some more!
you can get miss sporty at superdrug and larger boots.
disclaimer- i brought this product myself and this is my 100% honest thoughts on it.
byee for noww! xxx