Saturday 4 December 2010

its about time i did this

its about time i told you about my past this isn't makeup related by the way. *deep breath* i was 11 when i started secondary school (year 7) i was a puppy fat covered goody two shoes redhead. it took about a week for the Micky taking to start mainly to do with my hair and the fact that i come over rather thick, i have dyslexia witch makes school allot harder for me. roughly two weeks in the bulling from 13 year olds started, i was already struggling with trying to cope with this new school, and losing my old friends as they made new ones and i tried to hang on to my old life (i was only 11!). as it got harder to cope with i started saying i was ill so i didn't have to go to school, the bulling got worse as i lost more friends, and the ones that had made new friends, well the new friends hated me. so as i got picked on and bullied, i pretended to be ill more and more. then to top it all my great gran at the age of 98 died, the first death i ever had to cope with coming at the worse time. i was pulled into the sencos (the person who's deals with children who have learning problems)room lots of times, has they tried to figure out what was going on with me. by July 2004 i was a mess,i don't remember how it all started to come out, but i can remember talking to my mum about and her saying ''we will do anything to help''. i turned 12 in the summer holidays,and then i started DDAT witch is a treatment to help dyslexia etc my nan used the money from my great nan to pay for it (witch i will forever be grateful for). in sept i saw someone who said i had with school phobia (yes its real) i was happy to have a name to what i felt like. for the rest of my school life went like this- year 8-a home tutor and visits to the school. year 9-part time at the school with help by my side at all times year 10-i went to a mini school if you like for people who have been bullied, i was bullied there. year 11- home tutor who blamed it all on my parents, did my gcses thanks to my old primary school. I'm sorry for such a long post, but i felt it was time this was out there so that people going though the same thing knew they are not alone.


  1. Hi cat :)

    I'm glad you're able to share, I think you are an amazing and caring person, and have loads of self confidence since doing the makeup. I remember when I was at dads you were the leader of all the others hehe

    I hope you go far in life x x

    I might just inbox you on fb now :P


  2. hi rachel :)

    you do not know how happy you have made me by saying all that! hehe more like a mother hen :)
    my makeup as given me an outlet really to show who i am :)

    and i hope you miss, i.e rachel who is so sweet in are own little way, and as me in stiches so many times (LINDEN!) and the rest i want to say well be in reply to your fb message.

    x x x
