Monday 26 April 2010

MUA 1 pound makeup hell yes!

hii :) last week i brought some products from superdrugs new 1 pound line MUA (makeup academy), witch i am now obnessed with!, as you may know i love a good deal, and this makeup is amazing for the price! sooo im just to make a little listy of the products i have (so far! :P) single eyeshadows- pearl: shade 9-bright purple with blue duochome. shade 13-deep blackened purple. shade 15-dark grey. matte: shade 17-beige. shade 20-matte black. eye dust- shade 6-deep grey-black-purple. glitter eye liner- shade 7-bright purple. face- blusher: shade 2-muted mauvey pink. face powder: shade 1-my skintone!. thats it (so far) :) i love everything so far!. byee for now xxxx

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