Sunday 3 January 2010

reveiw- lush none of your bees wax lip blam

heyaz! another lush reveiw! :), this is lushs none of your beewax lip balm, this lip balm as ingredients like- extra virgin coconut oil,fair trade shea butter and carnauba wax. it tastes rather yummy :) and on there website they say it tastes like lemon,vanilla and mandarin :). i think it tastes like sweet lemon witch is thanks to the lemon and vanilla :). i am in love with this lip balm!, my lips are very dry and cracked (not fun when you love wearing lipsticks like me) but this lip balm moistures your lips but doesnt feel heavy :). so yeah thats all i can say about this lip balm i think :),
disclaimer: i brought this product myself and this is my 100% honest thoughts on it, i got the picture from thye lush website.
byeee for noww

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