Thursday 3 December 2009

reveiw barry m lip paint in 101

heyaz! today is a reveiw! with a picture! so basically i love this lip paint! i always wear it :) its not the most moistureing lipstick,but it does stay on quite well, its a block out nude witch is perfect for my natally reddy-pink lips, but for some of you it might be a bit to pale but not for me! i do suggest useing a gloss over the top cause it can look a bit zombie like if you dont use a gloss over top! i brought this product with my own money and this is my 100% honest reveiw. byee for noww xxxxx


  1. I'm in the way too pale gang. I bought this and it looks like concealer on me. I try to use it lightly as a base with other colours on top.


  2. i do that sometimes too, it does make a really good base though! x
