Friday, 26 February 2010
a supising lip combo....
heyaz! today i have a grey smokey eye, and i was sat there trying to think what lip stuff to wear
i went for natural collection apple blossom lipstick, witch like most people i heart!, then lipgloss i went for collection 2000 love your lips lipgloss in darling, witch is a bright the tube! a little amount appled on top of the apple blossom looks so pretty!
soo yeah! i really like it so i just had to tell you!.
what about you? what lip stuff are you wearing today?
byee for now
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
hii! & haul
hiii! sorry about lact of posts (again) but haul yay!no pictures with this one sorry! this is also over 2-3 weeks! i didnt buy all this in one day.
rimmel 60 secs nail poilsh in pompous.
wet 'n' wild mega wink mascara.
maybelline dream mousse concealer.
maybelline eyeliner matic in intense black.
lemlip butter cream.
honey i washed the kids soap.
bubblegum lip scrub.
and because i spent over £10.00 i got a free fresh face mask so i picked brazened honey.
barry m lip paint in 129 paleest lavender.
lip lacquer crayon in no5 ballet pink.
collection 2000 hot looks nail poilsh in intence and minx.
collection 2000 shimmer & shade in just peachy!.
collection 2000 poptactic palette that was free when you brought 3 products from collection 2000.
wow thats alot! that is over 3 weeks though :)
anyway as anyone alse brought any of these products ? what do you think about them?
byee for nowww
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
heyaz! i need your help again!
im looking for a dupe for the purple in 17 va va voom limited edition eye kit, cause i love this purple but people have stopped selling it on ebay!, so i really need a good cheap dupe! thank youu!
any ideas are very welcome!.
byee for noww
Sunday, 14 February 2010
review-maybelline eyeliner-matic

heyaz! i really wanted to reveiw this liner, because it has changed the way i look at pencil liners!
ok little background first!
my eyes or semi deep set, and very hooded, you cant see that in pictures because my eyes are closed. and i have alot of creases under my eye (i dont wanna call them wrinkles, cause im 17!) so pencil liner smudges, badly.
but not this one! i apply it under my eyes (not in waterline, i cant line my waterline cause my eyes water the minute i do) quickly smudge it then apply the darkest eyeshadow on my lid on top, and its there, all day the eyeshadow goes before it does!.
i have it in intense black, and boy is it black!.
i also love using this as a eyeshadow base, i wear dark smokey shadows every day, and even with UDPP my eyeshadow still creases and goes oily, (i think its down to my hooded lids),but when i smudge this over UDPP before eyeshadow it dosent crease!
anyway has you see i heart this liner, so before this post gets any longer.
byeee for noww
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
reveiw-rimmel london sexy curves mascara

heyaz :) reveiw today on this awesome mascara!
i adore this mascara!,the wand is really weird its 3 purple spiky balls!, as you apply the wand really grabs and lifts the lashes bringing the lashes right up, this mascara makes my lashes really long, my mum thought i was wearing fake lashes!
the formala is not super wet but not clumy its somewere in the middle,it doesnt smuge on me,but it does get on my skin under my eyes when i apply it, but alot of mascaras do!.
all in all i love this mascara, alot!, i didnt think i would but im really loving it.
have you tried this mascara? what do you think?
disclaimer-i brought this product myself, im not paid to talk about this product, this is my 100%honest thoughts on this product.
byee for now
Sunday, 7 February 2010
TAG:beauty bloggers shipwrecked survival kit.

sorry for lack of posts! anyway, here's a post :)
Milly over at pearls and poodles started this brill post!, so i just had to do it!,
picture the scene-you are set to be castaway on some idyllic paradise (as pictured above) for the unforeseeable are only allowed to take 5 beauty/make up products with what would be your travel essentials? what would have to be a ''must'' in your beauty survival kit? the local tribe of the island will be providing us with suntan lotion, so no need to list that!! :)
(lovely blog wouldn't let me upload any more pictures of the products sorry)
here goes:
razor- there is no way I'm going without this! :).
lush shampoo bar-dirty hair is the worst feeling! and a shampoo bar is easy to use :). and i could use it to wash clothes too! (muti tasker here!).
soap(hopefully lush again!)-clean person :).
lip balm-sore lips yuk!.
boujois 101 lashes mascara-my only make up item! I'm so proud!,anyway! being a natural redhead i have blonde lashes,and mascara is my holy grail!,and this one is brill!
:) thats it! hope to see some other people doing this tag :)
byee for noww
Friday, 5 February 2010
beautylicious love giveaway!
jo over at beautylicious love is having a 250 followers giveaway! the prizes is a M.A.C lipstick and lipglass of your choice! :) how cool is that?
go check it out !
Monday, 1 February 2010
hii! sorry about the lack of posts, i was a silly billy and i have not been able to get my camara of my trypoid! and i really wanna start doing more pictures :).
soo the next posts are gonna be hauls including a scrublet and lauren lukes book :)
see u sooon!
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